And so it begins…

Well that was a nice little break, we had a couple of weeks it seems where we weren’t going to the hospital QUITE as often… and it was lovely! I only had a few bad episodes, less hospital visits, minor testing, and I would say that in the world of metastatic pheochromocytoma, this would be a success 💃🏻

For those of you who are just beginning to read, I discussed my most recent results here. I mentioned that with the special radiation that is designed to treat this type of cancer/tumor, they’ve recommended as a precaution that I donate bone marrow in advance to be extra careful … So that’s what I’ll be discussing today! I’m quite happy to be meeting with the hematologist, if there’s one thing you’ve learned about me so far, it’s that I’m very impatient, and I deal well with facts, I’m not good with the unknown phases. As horrible as some information may be to receive, it’s even more awful thinking about it in a hypothetical sense, I’m a lay it on me type person! So, now that I’ve gone over every horrid possibility of what they may do to this fabulous but broken body of mine, I’m ready to receive the actual facts 😂

This will be step one of many to prepare for this high dose MIBG radiation therapy in January, oh so soon…!

My little tumor grenades have been quite aggressive lately, putting out a lot of adrenaline, making it quite difficult to live – it will be quite nice to blast them with some radioactive iodine, put them in their place and all that sort of thing.

I never said I would fight fair 😉

So step 1: see hematology, see my favorite pheo cancer doctor is step 2 today, and then… Do the long drive back, and update all of you with the gory details later 💛👏🏼


Pheo VS Fabulous




    • You’re right Cathy, it really is more like being chased down a volcano by a pack of angry bears, but it’s all about how you spin it right? One appointment has turned into three so far lol, that’s never good. Oh well, the more information the better. Will update in the next 24 hours 💗 still at the hospital, long ways to go


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