I turned twenty five

A day to celebrate magic

A night to let go of all fear

Your birthday has come, and you’re still here 

You’re so full of love, your sparkle is bright, how can we forever encapture this night?

With every obstacle faced, we now can revel in the win of this fight

Never over, never far, but not out of reach… when your Fabulous is on guard 

I turned twenty five, and it was just as sweet as I imagined it would be. Getting older is an indescribable gift, it is recognition for all of the hard work that goes into treating me.

My birthday gifts were filled with adorable home decor items, unbelievably soft robes, the pinkest of pink pillows to help me travel to and from my appointments, sexy ‘houndstooth’ gloves to keep my little hands warm and fashionable, Ralph Lauren towels to wrap myself in after a nice hot bath, an apple TV so I can watch all my favorite shows from the comfort of my bed, you see the trend? Fabulous pink, purple, and soft comforting items.. anything that brings warm and comfort to my life.

The gift that I was most grateful for? The unusual amount of energy, stamina, and excitement I could carry through all evening.. to enjoy this beyond amazing evening my family prepared for me.

Being around more than a couple people at a time when you’re ill is extremely difficult, but my family knows how to keep things comfortable, even my seven year old nephew became the ‘miranda police’ and would deliver citations when people were speaking too loud, or too close to me, it was the most adorable thing I have ever seen.

My mother made my favorite feast, homemade chinese food, which my bestfriend and I ate twice (no judgement on your birthday) and that’s what a birthday should be. Eating too much, laughing uncontrollably, making memories with family that I will hold so dear in my heart forever.

Happy Birthday, to everyone who is living moment to moment, keep sharing your fabulous, I know I will!

My Memories – 25!


My 'lucky elephant' from my 7 year old nephew, he is a heart breaker
My ‘lucky elephant’ from my 7 year old nephew, he is a heart breaker

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Half of the fam who braved the cold
Half of the fam who braved the cold
I can't take a picture with my sister without making her laugh uncontrollably, and I wouldn't have it any other way
I can’t take a picture with my sister without making her laugh uncontrollably, and I wouldn’t have it any other way


FEAST! Mother's homemade chinese food <3
FEAST! Mother’s homemade chinese food ❤


Squad goals
Squad goals
My amazing mother, who will do anything for her daughter to get me through this time, she is mama soldier
My amazing mother, who will do anything for her daughter to get me through this time, she is mama soldier
My bestfriend, and my dad, we always need one picture that isn't 'pretty'
My bestfriend, and my dad, we always need one picture that isn’t ‘pretty’


The cake that exceeded perfection... <3
The cake that exceeded perfection… ❤


My bestfriend
My best friend in the whole world
My strength
My strength, my love, my fabulous! ❤


Remember, there is something good in EVERY day. You just need to open your heart and find what that good is, and share it with the world!

“Fabulous is your light, your smile, your energy, your posivitity, your willfulmess, your vitality, passion, excitement, stubbornness, beauty, laugh, and how you share it!” – Pheo VS Fabulous 


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